It is possible to specify the color and font per element type. The preference values are applied for its subclasses if the subclass hasn't the same preference setting. These preference values are used during the element creation. Afterwards, it is possible to change them via Property sheets.
It is possible to setup the pool orientation in the preference: horizontal or vertical. The default value is horizontal. This parameter cannot be changed anymore once the diagram is created.
This feature prevents the overlay of pools. All pools are kept in the same size in the orientation. Resize of one pool changes all others.
A complete connectivity control for Sequence Flow, Message Flow and Association is implemented through the BPMN specification. This feature prevents the semantic wrong connection and simplify the use of the tool.
After the element creation, it is possible to change the element type. This change is limited for Activitiy and Gateway. The Activity includes SubProcesss, Task.
The conversion can be done via the context menu.
Between a sequence connection, it is useful to insert a new element.
See "Tutorial 3"
eBPMN supports not only the collapse and restore of the view, but also maximum view for in-place detail design.
See "Tutorial 3"
After the setup the connection between two elements, it is very easy to change the connection by dragging the connection end point. This feature is very useful for design transition from high level to low level. It allows to keep all associated data on the connection such as Message, Data Object.
Some Intermediate Event such as Timer, Error and Compensation, can be attached on the boundary of an activity.
The attached element can be moved on the boundary.
BPMN Model explorer displays model information in logical way instead of the physical files. There are three main folders:
Folder | Description |
This folder contains all Data Object models, which will be used in process transition. The model can be defined in EMF or UML2. |
This folder groups all enterprise organization structures. |
This folder holds the process diagrams and model elements. |
The Start and End event can be attached on the boundary of an Embedded SubProcess.
This refactory creates a new Embedded SubProcess, it regroups all selected elements. All incoming/outgoing connections to the selected elements in the group will connect to the new Embedded SubProcess
A Pool presents an Entity in an organization. A Lane corresponds to an Entity or Role. During the creation of a Pool and Lane, it is necessary to setup this information.
To see an enlarged view, click here. The demo takes 16 seconds.