
Different navigations are possible using eUML2.


1. Navigation from a Class

1.1 To a Class-Centric Diagram

Navigation from a class to a class-centric diagram is available with 4 options :

Select a class or an interface, open the popup menu and select Open>Inheritance explorer

The default Inheritance explorer diagram display the immediate (level 1) inheritance environnement of the selected class or interface.


The default Association explorer diagram display the immediate (level 1) associations environnement of the selected class or interface.

The default Dependency explorer diagram display the immediate (level 1) dependencies environnement of the selected class or interface.


Open new class diagram and navigate within a Scope (package, project, all) and from -1 (infinite) to n levels
Select a class or an interface, open the popup menu and select Open>Class diagram editor

Associations, interfaces and/or dependencies can be displayed in the diagram through the Wire automation option.

The diagram scope can be selected through the Scope option. Three options are available :

The diagram level can be selected through the Level option. Here are some examples :


If you select an element, n level from the selected element will be displayed.
When working on large project, it is not recommanded to create a diagram with scope "all" and level -1 which would be a full project diagram (the process could be heavy).

After selecting the option, a class selection dialog appears :

The expected diagram id created :


1.2 To a Sequence Diagram

You can navigate from a method to a sequence diagram.
Select a method, open the popup menu : Generate sequence diagram

here the case in the package explorer :

and the case in the class diagram editor :


2. Navigation from a Package

2.1 To a Package-Centric Diagram

Select a package, open the popup menu : Open>Package dependency explorer

The default package dependency explorer focus on the selected package and only display its immediate outgoing dependencies environnement.


2.2 To a Class Diagram

The navigation is the opportunity to browse several UML model. You can access this functionality through the contextual menu on a package.

The selected diagram appears in a new tab.

Here the view after arrangement without grid :